Image of the Day


Niela the Alien

My girlfriend and collaborator Arlys would like to introduce Niela the Alien, a Petite Grey from Zeta Reticulus who aspires to be a shape-shifter of sorts. Niela helps us celebrate holidays and important events by changing costumes to fit the situation. You'll be seeing him or her (we're not sure which) now and then throughout the upcoming year. Unfortunately, he/she hasn't filled out the requisite forms with the INS, so you'll have to help us keep his/her whereabouts secret from the Donald.

This week, Niela is celebrating all the exciting things that we at Nakota Publishing have planned for the coming year.

  • A paperback release of Miss Ione D and the Mayan Marvel
  • A new Ione D novel called Professor Ione D and the Epicurean Incident
  • I'll be submitting more short-short stories to George Donnelly's Flash Flood series of anthologies, so hopefully you'll see more of my work there.
  • A possible new edition of my first novel, Centrifugal Force
  • I'll definitely be working on a sequel to Fidelio's Automata.
  • Watch this site for more new releases from Nakota Publishing!