Image of the Day


The following are some links I find intriguing, including a couple of sites I may be involved with. These may or may not have anything to with one another. In fact, some might be aghast at finding themselves on the same list with certain others. A rather alarming proportion of them are libertarian.

Libertarian Fiction Authors

Writers' association, writing group, and mastermind.

The Global Liberty Community

The home page for science fiction and fantasy.

Libertarian Futurist Society

Home of the Prometheus awards.

Anime Planet

Anime, Manga, Recommendations and More!

“The” libertarian site. Anti-state, anti-war, pro-market

Your best source for antiwar news, viewpoints, and activities.


The CMS trusted by millions for their websites The leading OS for PC, tablet, phone and cloud

News and sources for afcionados of the Linux operating system.

The Unz Review

An Alternative Media Selection


A webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math and language.

Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences

Steampunk saves the world.

Welcome to Nightvale

A podcast of community updates for the small (and creepy) desert town of Night Vale

The Corbett Report

Open Source Intelligence New

And now for something completely different.

Vox Popoli

Incendiary blog of the Dark Lord Vox Day